SEND Overview

At ACE we recognise that some students, on the point of referral, may have become disengaged and demotivated from education and are faced with the uncertainty of starting at a new school.

Through our three-week PACE program, we seek to start the process of building positive relationships, re-engaging the student with their educational journey and importantly, completing a range of initial assessments in addition to the information supplied by schools.

We screen all students for any possible undiagnosed or unmet Special Education Needs and where required, will undertake further specialist assessments in order to help us identify not only the need but also the support strategies that we can try to put in place.

Our developing SEND team is creating a range of specialist targeted interventions that can run as part of a student’s ACE curriculum package, developing our capacity to offer in lesson support and targeted curriculum teaching and is supported closely by the wider local authority team of Learning Support Service, Educational Psychology and SENAT.

Where appropriate, we will seek EHC applications to support students with their post 16 plans and any associated Examination Access Arrangements that can be applied for.

For students already with EHC plans, these will be used to inform the support provided by Curriculum, Intervention and any Alternative Provision staff and their plan will be reviewed with parents and SENAT officers on a regular basis. The necessary examination access arrangements will also be applied for.

As a team, ACE is committed to each student’s individual progress whether that be sustaining a return to mainstream, on exams and onward transition to a post 16 placement and we always endeavour to respond to each students’ individual needs.


Clare Murphy-Snape SENDCo [email protected]

Claudia Archampong Assistant SENCo [email protected]

Laura Nugent Teaching assistant

Shanaz Yasmin Interventions lead

Dani Atanasova SEN Teacher

Luton SENDIAS Service

The Luton SENDIAS service is a statutory service supported and funded by Luton Council and the Luton Clinical Commissioning Group. The service is impartial and operates at ‘arms length’ from the local authority.

The law requires all local authorities to provide children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents/carers with information, advice and support.

The service aims to help parents/carers, children and young people and professional staff to work together to provide the best possible support to children and young people with SEND.

For further information, please visit our Luton SENDIAS service website that is accessible to all service users.

If you wish to submit a complaint to Luton Borough Council regarding the SEND Provision, please contact the Luton SENDIAS Team for support at [email protected]

Families in Luton Autism Group

The autism spectrum team (part of the Special Educational Needs Service) run the Families in Luton Autism Group (FLAG).

This was formed to address the needs to families affected by autism after an initial survey highlighted the parents’ wishes to link with families in similar circumstances, have access to a sympathetic listening ear and user friendly information about the autism spectrum.

Each meeting provides parents with an opportunity to discuss issues with other families and carers, teachers, early years advisors and support workers – all of whom have had experience working with autistic children and those with Asperger’s Syndrome.

For more information, please contact [email protected] or call the Autism Spectrum Team on 01582 548151

Support with Autism Network (SWAN)

In partnership with Windmill Hill School, the Autism Spectrum Team host the support group for families affected by autism in the local community.

Parents and carers are welcome to attend. Please join us for a hot drink, conversation, and opportunity to share information and advice on a range of topics in a supportive environment.

We do not expect parents to bring children to these meetings. 

Main Entrance, York Street, Luton, LU2 0HA.

Contact the Autism Spectrum Team (SENS): 01582 548151 or [email protected] for more information, including details about FLAG, our online support group.

If you would like to talk with our Polish speaking advisor at the meetings, please notify us by email. Osoby zainteresowane spotkaniem z polskim konsultantem moga zgłosić swój udział emailem.

Families United Network

Please take a look at the FUN website for more information about half term activities, club bookings and trip details.

Transition to a New School Support

For some of you, now is the time to be thinking about transition. We have detailed some useful resources to help you navigate this time.