Students access ACE through referrals from Local schools and Local Authority Services to a weekly panel.  Parents cannot apply for a place at ACE either directly or via School Admissions.  Parents who feel that their child may benefit from some time at ACE, need to discuss this with their child’s school and ask the school to make a referral to ACE.


As a registered and inspected school, ACE acts as an examination Centre for our own students and for students attending a number of local approved partner alternative provisions.

ACE is registered with all main exam boards (AQA, OCR, Edexcel, WJEC and NCFE) and can offer accredited courses across Entry Level to GCSE / Level 2 and across courses as diverse as Functional Skills, GCSE’s, Duke of Edinburgh, BTEC’s and Arts Awards.

All our examination services are subject to exam board and subject specific regulations, inspections and quality control visits and our hosting of exams are subject to annual JCQ onsite inspection.

In addition to Awarding Body and JCQ required policies, our examinations work is informed by a series of key policies which are updated annually.

All students are entitled for entry for examination as and when they are assessed to be ready and disability, fair access and equality policies fully apply to this work and inform any decisions we make as to exam dispensations that may be applied for (subject to awarding body approval) for individual candidates according to need.

We do, subject to capacity, offer examination services to private external candidates.

Please read the following documents and make sure that you understand them, if you do not understand them or if you need any advice regarding exams then please speak to Mrs Taylor in the exams office or email [email protected]


You will be given a statement of entry which lists of the exams you have been entered for by your teachers. Make sure you check that all your subjects are shown and that you are entered for the correct tier. If you think you have any problems see Mrs Taylor in the Exams Office as soon as possible.


You will be provided with you your own personalised timetable and will show you exactly when and where you will sit each exam. Check it carefully and make sure all of your subjects are listed.


The Exam Office will provide your examination equipment and an examination pack for use on the day of your exams.

Any unauthorised items e.g. glasses cases, pencil cases that are not see-through, calculator lids and instructions etc should be left in your bag.


Arrive at the exam room at least 15 minutes before the start of exam.

Notices listing exam rules and regulations are displayed inside and outside the exam room. They are also included with your exam timetable. MAKE SURE YOU READ AND UNDERSTAND THEM.

You are under exam conditions from when you enter the exam room. Find your seat quickly so that the exam can start on time. Do not communicate with other candidates in the room.

Make sure your mobile phone, iPod, MP3 etc is switched off and handed in to the Pastoral Team on arrival. If any of these items are found in your possession during an exam, WHETHER IT IS SWITCHED ON OR NOT, you will be disqualified from the exam.

No food is allowed in the exam room. You may bring in a bottle of water as long as the bottle is clear and the label has been removed. Remember that toilet breaks are only allowed in an emergency, and must be supervised.

If you have a problem during the exam, raise your hand and wait for the invigilator to come to you. Invigilators cannot answer any questions about the content of the exam paper.

If you are unable to attend an exam, call the school and let Reception know. You may be charged for exams missed without a good reason.

The main exam related policies can be found below.


ACE collects and uses personal information about staff, students, parents or carers and other individuals who come into contact with the school in order to enable us to provide education and other associated functions.

In addition, there may be a legal requirement to collect and use information to ensure that the school complies with its statutory obligations as reported to the Local / National Government.

Schools have a duty to be registered, as Data Controllers, with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) detailing the information held and its use. These details are then available on the ICO’s website. Schools also have a duty to issue a Fair Processing Notice to all students/parents or carers, this summarises the information held on students, why it is held and the other parties to whom it may be passed on.

ACE seeks to collect only the data that we require in order to carry out our role of organising, providing, monitoring and reporting on educational provision. We seek to be clear about what information we collect, why and how it will be used and to ensure that all data is kept secure, kept updated and is securely deleted when no longer required.

Health & Safety

At Avenue Centre for Education, the health, safety and welfare of all stakeholders who use our site is extremely important. Our leadership team and members (governors) work hard to ensure that having a safe environment is at the centre of everything we do.

Our Chair of the Management Committee and Health and Safety Member, Lawrence Patterson, work in collaboration with the leadership team to ensure we regularly assess the building, grounds and equipment to check it is safe and suitable, and ensure that it is maintained by competent and suitably qualified contractors.

We welcome the support of our parents and carers in managing the health and safety of your child whilst on site and reinforcing the importance of following procedures, our health and safety policies and conducting themselves in a manner that does not endanger theirs or the lives of others.

Please contact ACE if you have any questions regarding health and safety by emailing [email protected]

Please click on the link below to view the Health & Safety Policy: